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Comet earth(コメットアース)

ポケモンGo 日本配信 岩田さん、おめでとうございます。 Pokemon Go Japan delivery Iwata -san , congratulations .



I Pokemon Go has been finally delivered in Japan . I'm happy. I was reading an article of Pokemon Go, the philosophy of Iwata president of former president
Look at the articles that have been written , I was impressed to the will of Iwata president .
I , so Nintendo 's game since Super Mario generation is the memories of childhood . Iwata president is such a game of their own with made ​​was
Children at the hands of no longer go out .
So , the will to create a game that will want to play out , and a good spirit , and he who was Sha Tera' have thought , was respected .

Our company also , to become a help that can create freely a variety of people in a more all over the world , we are the original activity of the will .
Today , I would like to play big time in Pokemon Go.
Me colored the childhood . Thank you Super Mario . Pokemon.